The goal for our parish is 242,000 (part of 177 million) and Cardinal’s Appeal 37,000. In total it gives 279,000. Why our goal is 242,000? It is double of our regular annual Sunday’s collection.
How to invest the money that the parish can raised during that campaign? Few months ago during our Financial Council we had very serious discussion and we tried to see all possible areas for that investment and improvement. Someone can say that the best way for that project should be to split it equally among our two locations (two churches). Yes, it is interesting option. However as a new parish, merged parish, we should think about something that we can built together. Something that will help to form a new parish family and will be profitable for the future.
It is the reason that the Parish Financial Council decided to make some improvements in our churches but the main project should be as the Parish Center. A place where we – as a parish – can have different activities and in the future eliminate the operating costs of the building and eventually bring some profit.
Costs? As a parish we have to cover all expenses related to the Religious Education. We have that program in our old school, where our young parishioners can hear about God, can participat in faith formation. Probably you know from your own experience that the old buildings with old windows are not so friendly for your budget. And every year we spend good amount of money for it. For the same reason it is not worthy to rent out the classrooms if we will “burn out” all income. Last summer someone was interested to rent out a few classroom in our school but for the cost operation I was not sure that it will be profitable business for us!!! In the past years we had here the boy scouts and the girl scouts. The same problem!!! If we think about any activities that happen in our parish except our liturgies during every weekend we should take some action.
Profit? The heart of every parish is the altar and the celebration of the Eucharist. It is the reason that we exist as the Church. To praise God, to be with Him and for Him. To understand better His message and apply it in our lives. To bring his love to everyone. This is the heart of every parishes’ life. From the altar we have that strength to be with others and for others. And parish is also the ministry that we want to share with others, different activities that happen here and help us to feel our being together. It is wonderful if we have special space for that and we do not have to share the Eucharist and “different” activities in the same room!!! It is the reason that we should think about a friendly space for everything what is not related to our worship. Parish hall? Maybe it is the answer for that problem. A place where we can be together and share it with others. When you think about that room and the parking lot next to it I think there is a potential extra income for the parish.
Since September I tried to see some of you. It was very challenging but on the other hand a very good experience. Finally I was able to “connect” some names to the persons and most importantly we could spent some time and discuses about the problems that are very important for you. Thank you for that.
From the very beginning I tried to express that our campaign is kind of invitation (not obligation) for you to participate by supporting important areas or activities of our parish and the Archdiocese. However it is your decision if you want to be part of it. Probably for many of you the biggest concern was the last paragraph in the letter with the numbers. It is the suggestion prepared by someone in the Archdiocese. As every suggestion we can accept, change it or reject, especially if it comes to the financial aspect of our life. It is your generosity, and it happens only when you have enough recourses to support you own expenses, your family. Again. Please see it as your generosity!!!
Since September I was able to meet aver 130 families of our parish. Some of you were able to give the answer, some of you still thinking about it. Soon the Archdiocese will send the letters to the all parishioners, after that we will have our commitment weekend in the parish. Please take your time to think about our campaign and make a wise decision. Whatever is your decision I ask you please return the pledge form with your decision – even if you do not want to support financially the campaign. It will be a sign of your participation – you took your time to read all materials, think about it and you gave your answer. I am very appreciate for the answer, even it is “no” for some reason!!!!
For those who still thinking about it, please remember that it is a five years campaign. Sometimes is looks as a very big donation but when we think about months, weeks or days it is different picture. No one knows your individual financial circumstances, the table below outlines a number of gift plans for your consideration.
In the letter to the Philippians (4:10-19) St. Paul makes interesting points about Christian community. It is something different from a mutual aid society. It is not just about material exchanges of goods and services in times of need. It is about the sharing of spiritual gifts. It is the act of giving, not the gifts, that Paul encourages here. The act of giving is a gift of sacrifice to God, not just a sharing of material things with those in need. The Christian community is more than just social solidarity, it is unity of the spirit in which God repays us for our generosity with more than material riches…..but with the riches in Christ Jesus. When we give, we give to God and when we receive, we receive from God.